Friday, May 8, 2020

Essay Andrew Jackson A National Hero Never to be Forgotten

Old Hickory was not a man to mess with. Nick-named for his toughness, our nation’s seventh president was a favorite general among his soldiers. Andrew Jackson stood for the common man, being one of the only presidents born into poverty. This victorious man shaped the modern Democratic Party we know today, and is a national hero that will never be forgotten. Andrew Jackson was born March 15, 1767 in Waxhaw, a settlement between North and South Carolina. He resided in the forested region of the western Carolinas as a child, in a home that was built by his father. His father died when he was young, leaving his mother to raise young Jackson and his two older brothers on her own. As a child, Jackson enjoyed fighting, shooting rifles,†¦show more content†¦Andrew Jackson made many significant contributions to our country during his presidency. He imposed the Treaty of Fort Jackson in August, 1814. This treaty forced the Creek Indians to give up 23 million acres of the ir land and remove their settlements. They were also pressured to relocate to an easier American- patrolled portion of land. The signing of this treaty additionally ended the Creek War. Some other documents signed by Jackson are â€Å"Approved Sale of Creek land to a Notorious Speculator† and â€Å"Disclaims Rewarding One of His Political Enemies.† He made many important choices that led to many things we know of today. Andrew Jackson was involved in a plethora of military battles. He fought in the Battle of Hanging Rock and the Battle of New Orleans. He also combated in the War of 1812 and the Creek War. He was victorious in all of these feuds because of his strong passion for fighting. Have you ever pondered on how the modern Democratic Party came about? Well, Andrew Jackson was the sculptor of the mushy clay this group used to be. He also vigorously used the veto power, opening the door for following presidents to take advantage of this privilege. The spoi ls system also emerged while Jackson was president. The Cabinet importance declined, and the Whig party was born. Andrew Jackson also disabled the National Bank of the United States during his presidency, making him the only president to ever lead a 100%Show MoreRelatedThe Confederate States of America Essay2781 Words   |  12 Pagesgreatest battle of their lives, they and their ancestors still hold a special place in their hearts for this short-lived nation. This nation was independent for roughly four years, but the legacy of the Confederate States of America will not be forgotten. br brAs far as the Constitution of the Confederate States goes, it was not all that different from that of the United States. 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